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Peters Omaruaye at an Egbert Imomoh Golf Tournament
…says sports  is  a great leveler

Sport is a terrific leveler that may bring together both old and young people since it reduces pressure and tension and keeps one moving. This is the message of the All Progressives Grand Alliance candidate (APGA), for Delta Central Senatorial District, Mr. Peters Omaruaye, who met with the “Men to Boys Football Club” on January 28th, 2023, at Army Day Secondary School Effurun, in Warri, Delta State.

While addressing the players, Mr. Omaruaye emphasized that Sports investment is beneficial since it promotes and provides equality in development, and showcases examples of creativity and excellence in any society.

“Sports assist you to keep in shape while also boosting and enabling you to establish friendships that you might not have formed otherwise, so ignore it at your own risk”.

In addition, the Senatorial frontrunner stated that he is a businessman and a golfer who has utilized his skills to serve others in society. Mr. Omaruaye emphasized the importance of youth involvement in politics. By electing competent leaders who understand their needs, the development of youths in society would be assured.

Government can play an important role in sports, but this can only be accomplished by electing people who are passionate about sports. “Sport is an excellent equalizer that may bring together both old and young people since it reduces pressure and tension and keeps one moving.

“The current government, from municipal to federal, has no understanding of Sports, which is why sports is failing or lagging behind in our societal development. Today, I volunteer to serve and comfort every sports fan, and I vow to organize a series of tournaments to uncover talents; in the past, many athletes made their mark through competitions, but irresponsible leadership has wrecked the system today”.

He said that having a surplus of grassroots tournaments for young athletes provides them with numerous pathways and opportunities to test their abilities and expertise. The senatorial candidate stated that in order for elected politicians to have an impact on society, you must examine that person’s past records.

“Today, I am pleased that I have made my mark, that I have touched people’s lives through my business and as a golfer. I am here to inform you that when I become a Senator, I will use my legislative oversight to ensure that every hidden talented person is discovered, regardless of which party one belongs to, because suffering in the land does not know party, religious or ethnic affiliation, whether you are in APGA, PDP, or APC, Boy or Girl, woman or Man, so I am asking you to vote correctly because the right to elect who rules you is now in your hands”.

Responding, the Club Captain, thanked Omaruaye for being there for all sports fans for many years with his own money, saying that sports development will be massive when people like Omaruaye are in positions of authority, and there will be no question about everyone being happy.

“Today is my first time meeting you, but your company name, Omars Royal, that has sponsored many games, is a household name with a track record of excellence. We will assist you in translating your company’s performance into governance”, he concluded.

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