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NCF Uyi Akpata making his presentation at the AGM

The Board of the Nigeria Cricket Federation (NCF), has successfully conducted her Annual General and Full Council meeting for 2022 in Abuja. The AGM which was earlier scheduled for December 2022 was postponed to the first quarter of 2023.

The meeting which had 36 states of the country including the FCT in attendance was designed to ensure a robust participation by all members involved.


A press statement issued by the NCF”s Public Relations Officer, Mr. Musa Bodie Ehizoje said that the Board had three days of deliberations that bordered on policies and decisions governing the Federation, strategic meeting of delegates, sports association sponsorship strategies,  equipment, facilities amongst other relevant issues were discussed.

“Day 1 began with a board meeting where policies and decision governing the Federation were discussed and reviewed ahead of the new calendar year for 2023. Day 2 resumed with a strategic meeting where all delegates were broken into smaller groups to discuss and suggest strategies on programs and initiatives that can lead to the growth and development of the sport. Key areas of discuss included;

“Sport Association sponsorship strategies: This discussion was centered on how to source for individual and corporate sponsorships for the Nigeria Cricket Federation in order to compliment the Grant from the International Cricket Council, which is grossly inadequate for the development of the game in Nigeria.

“Equipment: Training and competition equipment was also discussed as one of the major ways to develop the sport in the country. Beginners and starter kits were identified as the key ingredients for grassroots development and high quality competition equipment are also important with regards to providing the right sizes for age grade, women and senior categories of players.

“Facilities: Facility development across the country was a major area of interest where suggestions were made for training facilities to be constructed in schools. Such schools will become the cricket hub for schools development in the state. Government and Zonal representatives on the NCF Board were tasked with this assignment.

“Personnel: Coaches and development officers were identified as the key mechanism in driving the coaching of the sports across the country. The NCF was also implored to engage more coaches in the various states and also train the games masters and mistresses in the various schools, to ensure continuity.

Day 3 was the annual general meeting proper where state delegates were given the opportunity to present reports of activities in their states for the calendar year 2022. The AGM concluded with presentation of starter pack equipment to the various states to kick start the NCF grassroots development program for the year.

The statement said that, at the end of the meeting, the following decisions were agreed by the Full Council:

1. That the activity as executed by the NCF in the calendar year for 2022 is approved.

2. That the Financial report as presented by the Auditor for the year ending 2022 was adopted and approved.

3. That the appointment of the new Head Coach and High Performance Manager Steve Tikolo from Kenya is approved.

NCF Uyi Akpata making his presentation at the AGM

4. That the venue for the Annual General and Full council meeting be rotated across the country.

5. That the Engagement of the external Auditor be extended for another financial year.

6. That all clubs and affiliate bodies in the various states should route their request to the NCF through their various State Associations.

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