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…Commends level of cooperation to security agencies

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 3 Division Nigerian Army and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN (OPSH), Major General Ibrahim Ali has commended the level of cooperation enjoyed by troops from communities on the Plateau. He made the commendation while commissioning a solar- powered borehole he donated to Rigwechingo community in Bassa local government area of Plateau state.

The GOC 3 Division and Commander Operation SAFE HAVEN noted that the donation of the borehole was aimed at addressing one of the critical needs of the rural dwellers and to demonstrate the goodwill of the Nigerian Army and Operation SAFE HAVEN in their bids to support the return of all displaced persons to their ancestral communities.

Speaking further, the GOC/ Commander OPSH noted that, the desire to sink the borehole was also conceived following a request by the leadership of the Irigwe Development Association (IDA) towards supporting the OTU RIGWE 2022 socio-cultural celebration, an event used to solicit for support from dignitaries to provide basic needs to aid the resettlement of displaced communities within the Irigwe Chiefdom.

While warning the people against harbouring criminal elements, General Ali urged the beneficiaries to jealously protect and maintain the facility to serve them better. He further charged the people of the area to remain committed to the course of peace and give maximum support to security agencies.

Warning the people never to take laws into their hands, the GOC/ Commander OPSH urged all to resist all forms of criminalities, and join hands together to resist any act capable of reversing the peace enjoyed by the people of the state.

Earlier in his remarks, the President, Irigwe Development Association, Prince Robert Ashi Dodo appreciated the GOC/Commander OPSH for the kind gesture. He described General Ali as a man of his word who has taken personal interest in peace and security of the people. He noted the
project has relieved the people of the area of the problem of portable water supply experienced by the people.

Paramount Ruler of the Irigwe Chiefdom, the Braa Ngwe Rigwe, Rev Ronku Aka Rtd.

Also speaking at the event, the Paramount Ruler of the Irigwe Chiefdom, the Braa Ngwe Rigwe, Rev Ronku Aka Rtd said, the people of Irigwe chiefdom would always remember the name of General Ali for his good intentions of always supporting communities with basic amenities. He prayed for God’s protection, more wisdom and good health of the GOC/Commander. “…he who gives water has given life, we shall continue to remember our GOC for numerous good things he has done to us,” he said.

In his vote of thanks, the leader of the Rigwechongo community, Pashom Rigwechingo, Daniel Kadieye expressed gratitude to the GOC/Commander for providing the needed infrastructure to the community, which he said they clamored to have for a very long time.

Rigwechongo community is one of the remotely isolated settlement in Bassa local government area on the Plateau. It is about 2 hours drive off the Trunk A road, through a difficult cross country terrain in a very remote location in Bassa.

The commissioning ceremony featured Cultural display by the Rigwechingo cultural dancers, testing of the water and a group photograph.

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