Nigerian Observers Praise NINANS For Embracing Golden Rules Of Ethnic Nationalities

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Nigerians have praised a World Press Conference Video of NINAS for being truthful about the current Nigerian situation and the rights of ethnic nationalities with the federation of Nigeria.

Below are a few of such comments and the Video of NINAS.

I join millions of Yoruba, and on behalf of the Ogun Ajobo Crowd, to approve this message.

Nigeria should be recalled, and its contents sold off as spare parts, and its model and make should be discontinued never to be reassembled in factories forever!

Afis Deinde.



The leadership of NINAS has been congratulated for embracing the Golden Rules of Ethnic Nationalities as its primary building block. This is truly historic as the Coalition of EQUALS, no matter the size and strength of each ethnic nationality with this embrace of the RULE OF LAW by NINAS, begins to show its differences from the CONTROLLED ANARCHY based STRATEGY of the Fulani Jihadist born-to-rule leadership and its Fulanization programme.


EACH ETHNIC NATIONALITY MUST DECIDE must remain the mantra for NINAS if it wants the support of the international community.

As NINAS continue to improve on its LOBBYING efforts of  the international community it is important we be reminded that it is yet to make a dent on the SERIES OF LAWSUITS.


That the million man/woman March in Diaspora will raise the awareness of the international community is undeniable but if Referendums and/or Plebiscites is the goal sitdown exchange of ideas with the leaderships of the international community is the only way forward.


The non-Fulani ethnic nationalities in Diaspora must embrace the LOBBYING and Series of LAWSUITS STRATEGY for a quick resolution of this Fulani Jihadist born-to-rule leadership Fulanization agenda.


Let the journey to the PEACEFUL DISSOLUTION of nigeria and to the PEACEFUL Actualization of the nations of our dreams continue.




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