Our Party is governed by our Constitution

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An interal memo of the PDP accessed by our reporter has reaffirmed that the PDP is governed by a constitution. The memo which was issued by the party chairman, Hon. Dr. Tony Aziegbemi reads as follows:

Compliments of the season.

Fellow party men and women, in the last couple of days, we have had cause to interact with many of our leaders, party chairmen as well as supporters across the state.

Consequently, it has become imperative to state as follows, the PDP has a constitution 2017 as amended, the supreme document that dictates and determines the various organs, it’s composition, it’s functions and roles. The constitution of the party is clear on the administrative and decision making organs of the party ( see Chapters 4 and 5 of the party constitution 2017 as amended)

No other body is known to the constitution.

It is our belief that these organs of the party as enshrined in the party constitution must be empowered and given unwavering  support devoid of any external consideration.

There exist at the senatorial level, two organs which are recognized by our constitution, the senatorial executive committee ( an elected body ) and the senatorial district caucus( an advisory body). We hereby ask all senatorial chairmen and local government party chairmen to send a list of their proposed caucus to the State Secretariat for approval before its inauguration. (The Caucus is an advisory body and its composition is detailed in the constitution)

As we strengthen our party institutions, we ask our party leaders to always act in the best interest of the party. When there is a conflict, they should bring it to the attention of the state working committee.

In a few weeks time, it will be the first of four anniversaries of the swearing in of the executives from Ward, LGA, Senatorial to the State level. The Congress that brought us in was keenly contested, backed by our constitution and conducted by the appropriate authorities appointed from the national secretariat and supervised by all relevant bodies, including INEC, DSS, police etc.

We are proud of what we have achieved in our first year. We can do more.

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