You Have Enough Time; Time Is Never Against You!

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2 Min Read

By Prince Kevin Fyneface

I Have Often Heard People Say: “Time Is Against Us”! Time Is Never Against You If You Have Done All That You know To Do As Privileged To Do! No Doubt, Time Is Of Essence; But, There Is Enough Time To Do What Needs To Be Done Once Purpose Is Discovered and Responded To! There Is Still Time For You To Shine, If You Really Are Meant To Shine As You Wished To Shine! Hmm!

Understanding That, Your Race In Life Is Not Everybody’s Race, Is The Best Way To Ignore The Suggestive Pressures Of Time, The Age Related Sagging and Wrinkles On Your Face and or Societal Limited Estimation Of What You Should Have Achieved; In As Much As You Are Functioning Within The Confines Of The Purpose Of God Upon Your Life!

Life Is Pre-Allocated, We Cannot Be More Than Who We Are Preordained To Be; Selah! Hmm! Now, Don’t Get Lazy and Say Kevin Said Life Is Pre-Allocated; You Will Always Be Pulled By The Energy Of Your Calling In Life-It’s The Divine Gravitational Pull Of Breakthrough!

Now, Your Failure To Respond To The Pulling Of The Energy That Will Connect You To The Transmutation Of Your Pre-Allocated Destiny, Could Be The Laziness Of Your Mind and or The Foolishness Of Your Being! Be Disciplined, Diligent and Wise Up To Understand The Transactional Dynamics Of Value Exchange!

Time Does Not Run Fast and It’s Never Against You; Master It By Knowing Who You Are and What You Are Pre-Allocated To Achieve For Humanity’s Good! You Are A Success Designed For Success; I Celebrate You Greatly! Keep On Keeping On Unto A Perfect End To God’s Glory!

The Wits Of Kevin Fyneface



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